Transaction Trading Partner Management

This section describes how to define the host profile (host company) in B2B for Oracle Integration.

Although there are many tools that you can use to create users, one way is to use the Security Realms function in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, as shown in Figure 5-4. Prevents BPEL from sending multiple files, reducing the traffic on BPEL-B2B and also in B2B. Channel-level retry attempts are not triggered by document level retries attempts. This provides a platform to respond to the incoming requests in a synchronous way. FunctionalAck (FA) and acknowledgment (ACK/MDN) are not sequenced. Sequencing is not supported for transient mode MLLP connections.

If FROM HTTP header does not exist, then B2B will use the IP address from which the message originated as the Sequence Target. The originating IP address of the HTTP request is treated as the Sequence Target by default. Applicability Statement 1—specification for using EDI over SMTP. AS1 also works with non-EDI document types such as XML and TXT files. Host administrators and remote administrators can add users (remote administrators for their own data only) if they have been granted that permission by the default administrator.

6 Adding Channel Details

To dispatch the sequenced message, configure the Inbound Dispatcher Count parameter, as shown in Figure 5-15. To dispatch the sequenced message, configure the Outbound Dispatcher Count parameter, shown in Figure 5-15. Transport by which messages are sent to or received from a file at a remote MFT server. Transport by which messages are sent to or received from a file at a remote SFTP server. Transport by which messages are sent to or received from a file at a remote FTP server. Click New, and then add a user and user password on the page shown in Figure 5-8.

You can define one or more certificates for each collaboration agreement. This option requires you to select an encryption schema in the Encryption field. Stops the incoming acknowledgment at the transport level if the selected code is in MSA.2. To use public key authentication, provide the private key file location. You may also need to provide a pass phrase if the private key file is pass-phrase protected.

An MLLP delivery channel is configured for the remote trading partner only. This channel can be either a server or a client channel, used to send or receive messages. You must configure both servers (sender and receiver) MLLP (server/client) channels either in permanent mode or in transient channel mode. A recommended configuration is for the sender to configure the MLLP client delivery channel and for the receiver to configure the MLLP server channel. MLLP (and the TCP transport protocol) are available for remote trading partners only. With MLLP, the same channel can be used for sending or receiving messages, and can be configured as either the server or the client.

  • The host trading partner is typically the organization where Oracle B2B is installed.
  • The b2b.toDynamicIP property is set in a normalized message property that is sent to B2B.
  • The File, FTP, SFTP, or JMS internal listening channels can be used for binary file transfer.
  • As a client socket, the channel establishes a connection on the specified IP address and port.

It gives operational end-users access to current and archived data, essential to adjudicate claims, resolve issues and respond to partner queries. Once the founder allocates the users to the trading partners, the universal quota count includes these allocated users, irrespective of whether the trading partners have used their allocated quota or not. In case the number of users have increased, founder can also buy more universal users.

Define Transports

A trading partner’s identity must be defined in the context of the business purpose of the e-community. For protocols with acknowledgments, B2B waits for the acknowledgment (formerly called the Time to Acknowledge parameter). If it is not received, the retry interval setting causes B2B to retry. In cases where no channel retry parameters are configured, document-level retry attempts are triggered after Document Retry Interval expires. Note that, if sequencing is enabled, the order in which files are copied to the folder is the order in which they are processed. If a large payload is copied, the partner must wait until the large payload copy is complete.

If sequencing is enabled on messages as part of BATCH, it can lead to errors and not all messages are processed. Because MLLP is a bidirectional channel, it is not considered to be a listening channel and the same MLLP delivery channel can be used for both sending and receiving messages. For information on creating a document definition—required before you can add it to the trading partner profile—see Creating Document Definitions. However, you cannot delete a remote trading partner that is part of a deployed trading partner agreement. Transaction Management is the set of tools that provides a 360 degree view of document exchange between partners.

In the Partner area, shown in Figure 5-25, you can use the Auto Create Agreement icon to create an agreement for a remote trading partner. When set to false (the default value), a message is sent on a new connection and the connection is closed after the ACK is received. As a receiver of the message, the connection is closed after the ACK is sent back to the trading partner. When set to true, a cached connection is used to exchange all the messages. For information on creating a document definition—required before you can you can add it to the trading partner profile—see Chapter 4, “Creating Document Definitions.” See Creating Custom Trading Partner Parameter Types for more information.

You can use party IDs to define elements unique to your business. For example, you might want to enter a Dun and Bradstreet (DUNS) number as a party ID for a specific trading partner. If enabled, the send party type and value from the message header are sent to the back-end application. Select to enable the mapping of the message header of the business message to the message header of the immediate acknowledgment.

In the Partner area, shown in Figure 5-17, you can use the Auto Create Agreement button to create an agreement for a remote trading partner. There may be several requirements for an Enterprise to send business responses synchronously. For example, an inbound 270 document may expect a 271 document response synchronously.

Oracle B2B provides the capability to send the same message to multiple trading partners. This gives you the flexibility to create your own groups of trading partners specific to certain business needs. The back-end application interface can then send a message to the group and Oracle B2B sends the message to all the members of the group. When the auto stack handler is used, then Oracle B2B retries the outbound failed message in sequence.

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